This guy does GREAT WORK on this Daft Punk medley. If you love MUSIC you must listen; if you love Daft Punk, you must listen; if you love the Piano, you must listen. IT'S BEAUTIFUL....
Speaking of Daft Punk(whom I love, waaay Pre Kanye sample days). GOD can i PLEASE be able to make it to the NEXT TOUR (whenever that comes again =/ ) !!!!
The YouTube is nine minutes long, so here are the relevant parts:
:01 - 3:27: Letterman takes fairly tame shots at McCain mixed with genuine praise for the man's heroism.
3:27 - 6:34: Dave starts getting testy!
6:35 - 9:11: Fill-in guest Keith Olbermann (haha, amazing choice) is interrupted when Letterman finds out about McCain's Couric interview, conducted at that very moment down the street. Letterman then plays live footage of McCain getting powdered by a makeup assistant before Couric goes on the air.
I am a full flegged ARTIST...which means I am extreme...I am a VEHICLE OF EMOTIONS...ready to jump for JOY at a "10"...or get angry at a "10"...maybe cry at a "10" or sulk at a "10" spectrum is either 1-3 or 8-10...there's no in between. lol. I am extremely sensitive to things in the community...