Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fox Fires Producer who wrote: “Outraged Liberals: Stop Picking On Obama’s Baby Mama!”

Think about how they would never say that about Bush or McCain. Says a lot about the culture at Fox. >=/

Debt To America by Jon Stewart (hahaha!!!)

According to CNN : "Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's brilliant $700 billion plan could buy every single American 2,000 McDonald's apple pies."

Daft Punk and His Piano

This guy does GREAT WORK on this Daft Punk medley. If you love MUSIC you must listen; if you love Daft Punk, you must listen; if you love the Piano, you must listen. IT'S BEAUTIFUL....

Speaking of Daft Punk(whom I love, waaay Pre Kanye sample days). GOD can i PLEASE be able to make it to the NEXT TOUR (whenever that comes again =/ ) !!!!

A Few Favorite Daft Punk songs

Voyager (dope beautiful groovy track)

Emotion (funky electronic emotion evoking)


G's to Gents Trash

This is just cold!!! LOL I'm sorry I'm laughing. It's really cold! This dude gets suckered punched backstage because he was "talkin all that jazz".

Letterman bangs on McCain

The YouTube is nine minutes long, so here are the relevant parts:

:01 - 3:27: Letterman takes fairly tame shots at McCain mixed with genuine praise for the man's heroism.

3:27 - 6:34: Dave starts getting testy!

6:35 - 9:11: Fill-in guest Keith Olbermann (haha, amazing choice) is interrupted when Letterman finds out about McCain's Couric interview, conducted at that very moment down the street. Letterman then plays live footage of McCain getting powdered by a makeup assistant before Couric goes on the air.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Notorious 2009 Teaser Trailer

I can't wait to see's going to bring ME BAAAACK. I miss Biggie... I miss TUPAC...but right now, it's time to miss Biggie.
This movie should be good content wise as well as acting. Derek Luke's sexy ass playing the Hype Machine aka Puffy aka Diddy aka "Aspiring Actor Sean Combs".... Angela Bassett playing Voletta Wallace..Jamal Woolard playing Biggie (new actor).

Check out the trailer

then check out the many NYC and Brooklyn shooting locations and behind the scenes footage & interviews with Ms. Wallace, Lil Cease, Director George Tillman and more.

Amazing Grace-The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation

I read this book years ago and I never stop thinking about it. I'm constantly plotting ways to make bigger things happen... one step at a time tho eh?

a review that took the words out of my mouth

Jonathan Kozol has dedicated his work on bringing light to the inequalities that exist within our nation. These inequalities are best seen, unfortunately but not unexpectedly, along racial lines. "Amazing Grace: The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation" is a book with a lot of questions, a lot of shocking information, but not a lot of answers; if only because the answers may not exist. It is a stunning look at the deep disparity between rich and poor within our nation.

Kozol focuses on the South Bronx ghetto of Mott Haven, the poorest borough in New York, clearly segregated from the middle and upper classes, where two-thirds of the population are Hispanic and one-third African-American. Through interviews with school children, teachers, ministers, and community members, Kozol paints a bleak picture of the equally bleak lives led by those who live in this area. He recounts stories of buildings where wires have been eaten through by rats that are the size of squirrels, of drugs being bought and sold openly on the streets (although the drug dealers have enough respect to break when school lets out), and of families too numerous to count who are being killed off one by one by AIDS. The way these children see the world is frightenly dead-on; they know when they're not wanted because it's proven to them everyday in the way they have to live.

"Amazing Grace" is not an easy read due to its topic matter. Kozol's style is matter-of-fact, made up of usually uninterrupted comments by those he's interviewed, sometimes with his questions thrown in, and his own comments and hypotheses as to how this can go on. But Kozol doesn't necessarily have answers or even blame. Surely, some blame has to go to a system that keeps the poorest people with the least chance for success segregated from others, a separation of the haves and have nots to the greatest degree. And certainly others would place the blame on the poor people themselves. Perhaps it's a combination of a lot of factors, not one or the other, but what is certain is that too little is being done (or maybe can be done) to make a difference before it is too late.

Medical studies about drugs may be victims of a spin

"Does the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have access to the data it needs to make informed decisions on approving drugs, or are drug companies cherry-picking the studies they publish to make their drugs look better than they actually are?

A new report in Monday's PLoS Medicine questions whether doctors and patients are getting objective information about whether a medicine works. That's because more than half of studies on government-approved medications—presumably the ones that show a drug doesn't work—are never published, and those that are show disproportionately positive results."

Scientific American Mind

This really doesn't surprise me. I can't stand that pharmaceutical big business B.S . I don't believe in the medication the spill out. I had a friend who was getting treated for depression with epilepsy pills. WHAT? I mean it's no wonder you sit through a commercial for some pill, and they spend the entire commercial listing the side effects.

HERE is a Cymbalta commercial.... "Depression Hurts"

and HERE is a Cymbalta VICTIM video "Cymbalta Hurts More"

This is very deep. It just proves that this is nothing but big business. Our healthcare system is a joke. I went to the doctor for a tiny back ache and left with 5 prescriptions of pain medicine including Vicodin and Flexarol. It's just a minor bache ache....JEEEEZ.

I feel it's important to look into natural ways of healing your body. Before you go to the doctor, take a look at what you're eating and fix it....because the FDA approves THAT processed shit too. =/

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday John Coltrane!

Today (September 22)[or yesterday depending on when this posts] would have been his 82nd birthday.
I love John Coltrane because he had amazing harmonic knowledge and instinct. WOW...this man had delivered harmony with such complexity and was definitely a "funky technician" with that saxophone.

One of my most favorite songs of John Coltrane is "Naima"....the song was named after his first wife. The chorus of this song is so beautiful. This entire song educes a whirl of emotions. THE GOOSEBUMP FACTOR

Not many hip hop artists have sampled John Coltrane. I think the Fu Schnickens did...i know the Pharcyde did, Aceyalone...but I'm not sure who else. EXCEPT, how could I forget KRS-ONE "Brown Skinned Woman"

that song sampled Coltrane's "The Late Late Blues"

The Late Late Blues - Milt Jackson & John Coltrane

Piano-mation in LED

Light-Paint Piano Player from Ryan Cashman on Vimeo.

Ryan Cashman describes Light-Paint Piano Player -

"Animated light paintings of a little piano player performing. Filmed at night with the lovely I-5 and San Diego skyline in the background. I would like to thank everyone for the fantastic feedback I have received lately. To answer a few questions, I wrote the music and recorded it first. The frames were photographed with a Canon Rebel using 20-30 second exposure time. I used a small green LED keychain light to draw each frame. Once all the positions were photographed they were strung together and synchronized to the music in After Effects."

This is really cute! God I love talent!!! I had to post because A) it's dope and B) its got my hometown in the background! San Diego baby...

Friday, September 19, 2008

You Got It- The Glamorous Life...

This used to be one of my jams back in the day! Had to share...
Too bad Cool C finished himself off along with Steady B (who's now "SERIOUS" in prison) by robbing a bank and killing a cop (stupidos) he [Cool C] still on death row?

** Check Jill Scott looking young and lovely.....(she's the main chickadee walking and smiling)

Cultural Genocide

"By the late 19th Century, the theory that European achievements arose from innate racial superiority became widespread, justifying race-based slavery, genocide, colonization and other forms of political and economic exploitation.

So the presumption is, that over generations of indoctrinated euro centrism, the exploitative elements of this phenomenon progressed to encompass social perspectives and beliefs that were actually embraced among those oppressed by eurocentricity and remain prevalent even today – hence the portion of the Wiki definition that the belief or practice of euro centrism may be subconscious to the point of innate and inherent behavior without specific rhyme and/or reason. I would hypothesize there are a great many who are unaware of being euro centric, although fully cognizant of NOT being Afrocentric, though lacking the understanding that the latter condition is actually a symptom of the former."


Morals and purpose are at an all time low. I feel as though people forget the reason that we were put on this earth. Everybody wants to make it about emotional comfort, status and egotistical material items. Everybody wants to feel good all the time. I believe the species has regressed due to inferior breeding habits. Breeding habits that are based on an inferior society and not on the development of the species. This country is ass backwards.

"elements of this phenomenon progressed to encompass social perspectives and beliefs that were actually embraced among those oppressed by eurocentricity and remain prevalent even today " ======>> Can YOU see how it has been embraced by those OPRESSED by eurocentricity?? I can. Welcome to the ass backwards Jr Europe we call America.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Newports $5...Newports $5....

I love these shirts! LOL! The essence of the corner...


....CHANGE ;-)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The MAXIM's I buy....

NOT THAT^^^^ MAXIM!! ;-) She's hot tho! I'm speaking of the MAXIM that means a fundamental principle...The list below is important to me...I look for it[and expect it] in myself and the people I interact with often.

1.If you want someone to do something, persuade them; don't make them.

2.Always be kind at first, but be firm if your kindness is exploited.

3.In matters of blame, think twice before you speak.

4.Be critical but not cynical.

5.Never allow the low standards of others to lower your own standards.

6.Admire good people.

7.Be truthful, but not in order to hurt others.

8.Let the facts speak for themselves.

9.Don't allow your temper to do what your reason can't.

10.Don't confuse independence with rebelliousness.

11.Don't think that what is right is always obvious.

12.Stare at yourself in the mirror once in a while.

She Who Loves Goodness Also Loves TRUTH

A good person is a truthful person, not only to others but to themselves. They seek out and respect the truth for their own consumption, not fooling themselves about where the truth lies.

The honest person wants her real beliefs and motives KNOWN. She doesn't want to hide behind anything. It is the opposite trait to deceitfulness, manipulativeness, and corruption. An honest person tries to be open so that the book can always be identified from the cover. A dishonest person is forever watchful in case her true feelings and intentions should slip out, so she has to put on an act to hide what is really in her heart. That often takes the form of an EXCESSIVE show of trustworthiness, so that the others will be thrown off the scent. A lot of people are highly skilled at that form of theater; and their dishonesty may come as a big surprise. An honest person makes a point of letting you know where she really stands: no act comes between you and her real self. She feels a powerful commitment to the truth. Honesty is a virtue not a vice. It's not just about "letting people know what you think of them" ; it runs deeper than that. Honesty can sometimes come in harsh words, however, it needs a good intention behind it. It's not about blurting everything out without regard for the consequences.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

With a Cherry [tomato] On Top--

Fat ass America!!!

Stop the Insanity!!

We're going to sink the U.S one day by eating like this...

More My Speed

French blue canvas, while the heel is yellow suede. The heel contains a Charlie Brown-like zig-zag design. The pair also comes with round, brown dress laces.

The toe and lace hole tabs in a red/pink suede; rest of the sneaker is brown canvas with the exception of the black, suede swoosh;complemented with forest green and black laces.

These SB’s are on schedule for spring '09!

Tart *rubs submandibular gland*

WTF happened here????

Too Kimmie Gibbler for my taste.... dear God.


While I'm very excited for the Fall/Winter [fashion wise], I can't ever wait to get back to Spring/Summer. It might be that I'm a Summer Baby...or just the simple fact that I love sexy sandals/heels.




I am a StoryTeller


* Storytelling is a human universal, and common themes appear in tales throughout history and all over the the world.
* These characteristics of stories, and our natural affinity toward them, reveal clues about our evolutionary history and the roots of emotion and empathy in the mind.
* By studying narrative’s power to influence beliefs, researchers are discovering how we analyze information and accept new ideas.

Full Story at Scientific American Mind

I'm A Gifter Sniffer-Hidden Power of Scent


* The human sense of smell is often seen as insignificant, but this sense is keener and more influential on our species than many people realize.
* Smell subconsciously facilitates a variety of human social interactions. People use smell to assess a person’s likability, sexual attractiveness and emotional state. They can also use scent to distinguish a stranger from a friend, a male from a female and someone who is gay from someone who is straight.
* Deficiencies in olfaction may contribute to social withdrawal, such as that which accompanies schizophrenia.

Full Story at Scientific American

Sleep on It-How Snoozing Makes you Smarter


* As we snooze, our brain is busily processing the information we have learned during the day.
* Sleep makes memories stronger, and it even appears to weed out irrelevant details and background information so that only the important pieces remain.
* Our brain also works during slumber to find hidden relations among memories and to solve problems we were working on while awake.

Full Story at Scientific American Mind

The Neurological Root Of Genius


* Smarter brains tend to be bigger—at least in certain locations. Researchers have fingered parts of the parietal and frontal lobes as well as a structure called the anterior cingulate as important for superior cognition.
* Some studies suggest that the brains of brighter people use less energy to solve certain problems than those of people with lower aptitudes do. But under certain circumstances, scientists have also observed higher neuronal power consumption in individuals with superior mental capacities.
* People often overestimate the importance of intellectual ability. Practice and perseverance contribute more to accomplishment than being smart does.

Check out the full article at Scientific American Mind [great magazine]

Blackberry "Thunder/Storm" /HTC COke / LG Lotus reviewed

Ok, the Blackberry Thunder looks like it sucks. What's with the touch screen battles?? I'm not a fan of the touch screen keyboard. This Thunder makes you push too hard on the screen. That definitely leaves the possibility of some schmuck breaking the screen. (then again, that's his problem) The HTC Coke is too big, plus I hate Windows Mobile....when they come out with 7, call me.

Kidz in the Hall f/Estelle at SoB's

I definitely like Kidz in the Hall...

"School Was My Hustle" was a good album..

Give it up for the U.K [Estelle]!! I love live music...

They perform "Love Hangover" , their latest premiering soon. My kind of hip hop! lol

Monday, September 8, 2008

i heart iGoogle...

Please hurry with Chrome for MAC. Google, you're my own virtual office, you're my "best friend" far, it gets no betta' than you G. *siiigh*

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Word to Jay Electronica..

This dude...very talented...very. I really hope he does something with that gift of his. Everything is right there for him! Dude might need an army to push him.

Good luck Jay.

Video posted by that blog.


Tom Scott - Today

This song used in one of my favorite, arguably the most classic hip hop song ever.

"They Reminisce Over You (My God)"

Pete Rock is a genius and is in the ranks of being one of my most favorite producers.

Actually, my MOM lived in a Downtown hotel

"I Learned it by Watching You, Okay?!"

"Parents who use drugs....have kids who use drugs."

LOL Oh lawd...

Seriously, that drug filled cigar box had pipes, bags of weed and cocaine, pills, needles...damn PSA, one step at a time. If I saw that announcement and all I was doing was smoking a lil "cheeba cheeba", then I wouldn't feel so bad about myself. LOL "Hey at least I don't have all of THAT"

HBO 1983 Intro-

This intro was always exciting to see. I remember being a kid eating white bread and butter ( tsk tsk ) watching movies on a Saturday night. They had a few version throughout the years, but this one was classic!

I loved the score....

Then there is this one, very old school...punks won't let me embed it. Here's the link

HBO Main Title - Flying Silver Logo - Short Version - Early 80s; Feature Presentation

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Marsha Ambrosius aka Songstress

I just felt like posting about this woman. I've been listening to a few unreleased joints and I'm just too impressed with her!!! Marsha has the ability to give me goosebumps with her voice [even after repeating her songs for 3 weeks straight].
Self-proclaimed "Washington Heights own Randy Jackson" ("good and terrible")..probably because she doesn't just SING...she saaaaangs.

She is very talented and I give 12 thumbs up to her for all her wonderful creativity and soul.

More Marsha and JB collabos...they're DOPE together.

In honor of the apparent circumstances in my life right now:

RIP It's Over- by Marsha Ambrosius


From WhateverWhenever

Am I missing something here? I mean didn’t we just go through the most fucked up Republican Administration ever? But yet these Kool Aid drinkers are acting like Democrats are about to fuck this country up?

Excuse me?

High Gas Prices

Worst Economy Ever

Iraq War


Environmental Disaster

Tax Breaks for the Rich

Corporate Corruption

Housing and Mortgage Crisis

Breaks for the Oil Companies

Borrowing from China

Shall I go on? Are you fucking kidding me?

This is about the future vs the past. I don’t want four more of the last eight years. Are they fucking kidding me?!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

24 Hour Fitness Hierarchy

24 hour always seems to one up themselves. Not only that, they know how to make money off of meYOU, the consumer. Between paying 3 years in full, personal training or the 3 different "Sports" type clubs, there is no way you're getting away from them! There's a solution to everything...

ME: "Uuuh I can't really afford that right now"
24: "Well, how much is in your bank account?"
ME: "Nothing"
24: "How about your mom and dad?"
ME: "They're broke too"
24: "What about your boyfriend?"
ME: "Broke"
24: "Any cousins you could borrow from?"


How come not all 24 hour fitnesses are OPEN 24 hours??! They should call THOSE 12hour fitness.

How Conditional is "Unconditional Love" ?

I thought I knew what unconditional love felt like.

“The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance.”

“But groundless hope, like unconditional love, is the only kind worth having.”

“Love is supreme and unconditional; like is nice but limited”

“The only love worthy of a name is unconditional.”

Monday, September 1, 2008

Bush FIre

Oh my...

MY TEMPERATURE: above 103 degrees F

Hip Hop Quote of the Day

Artist: T.I
Album: Paper Trail
Song: Live Your Life

"I'm the opposite of moderate, immaculately polished with the spirit of a hustler and the swagger of a college kid.
Allergic to the counterfeit, impartial to the politics.
Articulate but still would grab a nigga by the collar quick.
Whoever had the problems with they record sales, just holla 'til.
If that don't work and all else fails, then turn around and follow 'til.
I got love for the game but ay I'm not in love with all of it.
I do without the fame and the rappers nowadays are comedy.
The hootin' and the hollerin', back and forth with the arguing.
Where you from, who you know, what you make and what kind of car you in.
Seems as though you lost sight of whats important with the positive.
And checks into your bank account, and you're up out of poverty/
Your values is in disarray, prioritizing horribly.
Unhappy with the riches cause you piss poor morally.
Ignoring all prior advice and fore warning.
And we might be full of ourselves all of a sudden aren't we?"

NATELY SAYS: Thanks to UniversalHipHop for the quote.
This song is DOPE..HAAAY HOOOO! That beat gives me goosebumps...the entire concept of this song gives me goosebumps. That chorus is dope...i'd rather hear "Red 5ive" sing it tho...