Sunday, August 31, 2008

I Miss Casey SO MUCH...

Dude, I am worried about my dog...i hope she's not lonely. I pray to God that He make the best decision. I know what I think is right, but God only knows the bigger picture. I miss her so much. Damn. I hate that she must feel rejected by her family. I am selfish and don't want anyone to adopt the same time, what if that's in God's plan??? I'm pissed. I feel guilty for leaving.... UGGGGGGGGGHhhhh.... This hurts my soul... I wish she could call me and say "No I'm doing alright! Don't worry about me..." Instead all I hear her saying in her head is "What happened? They didn't love me anymore? WHere are they? I miss them... " =(

I pray God is warming her heart with love...I pray that she knows in her spirit why this happened.

Gypsy Traveller

Well, I've warned you...I'm definitely ALL OVER THE PLACE. I originally started a blog HERE. Eventually, I got bored of the layout and jumped to MY LIVEJOURNAL account. I was introduced to MY TUMBLR account through a 'net buddy. So there I go "blog hopping"...I liked the layout of Tumblr...however, it just seems easier to post from here, since I'm in my gmail DAILY...I actually had fun posting like crazy on LiveJournal. I will definitely make more time to add the weird stuff that fascinates me.